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Progressive Network of Northern Youth (Pronny)

Education, they say, changes a person to change his or her environment! In fact, there is no significant difference between the people of old who  made positive changes in history and our generation. They were those who came against the odds and refused to throw in the towel but instead, told the odds it was impossible for the odds to stop them from reaching their destination. We too can do same and even more if  we eschew pessimism,  culture of procrastination  and inferiority complex.

“Pronny” is an acronym for Progressive Network of Northern Youth, a peace and development initiative pioneered by David Banaaleh (King-Dave), a Bachelor of Science Psychology student of the University of Cape Coast and a native of Nadowli-Dambaa but hails from Daffiama in the Upper West Region of Ghana, West Africa.

The idea behind “Pronny” is to mobilize young people with the desire to promoting peace and development in the three historically deprived regions of northern Ghana and also to repackage and portray the positive aspect of the area to the rest of the world in order to attract more investors to create jobs for the many jobless youth.

“Pronny” goes with the motto: Ambassadors for peace and development in Northern Ghana. In fact, “Pronny” is a non-partisan and non-profit making organization with membership cutting across  Upper West, Upper East and Northern Regions of Ghana.

As part of our mission, we visit  conflict-prone northern communities to facilitate peace and development through education and cultural awareness creation.

We, in “Pronny” strongly hold the view that the northern part of Ghana is not a home of impoverishment, hooliganism and impunity as erroneously being peddled around  or reported by an uninformed section of the general public and some   opportunistic elements in the mass media. Northern  Ghana  is only a victim of stereotype, prejudice, stigmatization and discrimination. This is  because historically, it would be recalled  that  the area  was  one of the latest in the country  to have  had  formal education  in the country  after several years of  political neglect and deprivation.  It  was  also one of the worst victims of  various  atrocities such as slave trade perpetrated by western colonial powers . 

Notwithstanding, there is an abundant unexplored natural resources such as sheanut, dawadawa, clay, huge fertile land, livestock, tourist attractions and unique diverse culture in the three regions of the north.  In terms of  human resources, the  area  has produced many hard working  and honest people  who  are holding enviable positions  in every nook and cranny of the  Ghanaian  economy and around the globe.

The unfavorable weather conditions, outmoded cultural practices and isolated conflict situations  which almost every  viable society is equally a victim cannot be the  basis for any doom mongering and negativity as a yard stick for measuring the northern part of Ghana. After all, ” there is  BLACK SHEEP  in every family”!!!

 Recent discovery of precious minerals like gold in large quantities in  various parts of the north  is not only a vindication but also an indication that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Join “Pronny” and be an ambassador for peace and development in Northern Ghana. Contact us on 0247113859 for more information!! Thank you.

By     David Banaaleh (King-Dave)
    BSc. (Psychology)
    Founder (PRONNY)
Contact: 0247113859