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Abraham Norman Nortey Selects “Hard Working”Bridget Boahemaa Opoku as Running Mate for UCC SRC Presidency ‘24

In a significant move ahead of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) SRC elections, Abraham Norman Nortey, a prominent candidate for the SRC Presidency, has announced Bridget Boahemaa Opoku as his running mate for the 2024 elections. This announcement has been met with widespread acclaim, highlighting the strategic partnership between two dynamic student leaders known for their dedication to student welfare and academic excellence.

Bridget Boahemaa Opoku, currently a Bachelor of Education (Home Economics) student at UCC, brings a wealth of experience and leadership skills to the ticket. As the Vice President of Valco Hall and President of its Ladies Wing, Bridget has demonstrated exceptional leadership abilities, organizing impactful programs such as the Industrial Woman ’24 and the ‘Obaasima’ Conference 2024. Her role as the Minority Chief Whip of the 3rd Valco Hall Parliamentary Council further underscores her capability in managing and leading teams effectively.

Abraham Norman Nortey, a third-year Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) student, has been a prominent figure in student governance, serving as the Member of Parliament for the School of Medical Sciences in the UCC SRC Parliamentary Council and the Deputy Majority Whip of Oguaa Parliamentary Board. His leadership roles and active involvement in student affairs have positioned him as a strong candidate for the SRC Presidency.

Together, Norman and Bridget aim to create a student-centered administration that prioritizes academic excellence, welfare, and the holistic development of UCC students. Their combined experience in various leadership capacities promises a dynamic and effective governance approach, striving to address the needs and aspirations of the student body.

In their joint statement, Abraham emphasized the importance of integrity, dedication, and service, values that both he and Bridget share. Bridget expressed her enthusiasm for the opportunity to work alongside Abraham, highlighting their shared vision of fostering a supportive and empowering university environment.

The selection of Bridget Boahemaa Opoku as his running mate reflects Abraham Norman Nortey’s commitment to inclusivity in leadership. This partnership sets a promising tone for the upcoming SRC elections, with students eagerly anticipating the positive changes and initiatives that Norman and Bridget are poised to bring.

As the campaign gains momentum, the UCC community watches closely, hopeful that this dynamic duo will usher in a new era of student governance marked by innovation, inclusivity, and a strong commitment to the welfare of all students.