The University of Cape Coast has indicated that they have no records of the professor being cited in matters of plagiarism or rape.
This follows after a publication was made in Modern Ghana and Phoenix online portals in which Mr. John Boateng is accusing Professor George K.T Oduro, a Pro Vice Chancellor Provost of the College of Distance Education, Director of the Institute for Educational Planning & Administration and a Dean, School of Educational Development and Outreach of the University obtained his PhD through subterfuge from the University of Cape Coast. The publication further explained that Prof. Oduro’s work was discredited for plagiarism and was also alleged to have raped a female colleague.

Upon citing the publication management, the University through press release has admonished the general public to see the publication as falsehood and an act to sheer mischief and treat the publication with utter contempt.
“Professor Oduro through out his 30 years association with the University as an undergraduate student and a lecturer rising to the rank of a professor discharged his duties with utmost professionalism and without any blemish “,the press stated.
The University used the opportunity to reassure its stakeholders that it always exercises the highest due diligence in recruitment and retention of its staff and Prof Oduro is no exception.