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SRC aspirant Abraham Norman Nortey donates treated mosquito nets to students of UCC

In a step towards combating malaria, Abraham Norman Nortey, the Chief Executive Officer of Visionary Norman Foundation, has donated treated mosquito nets to students at the University of Cape Coast (UCC). This initiative is part of a broader agenda aimed at eradicating malaria in Ghana by 2028.

As a dedicated public health practitioner, Mr. Norman Nortey highlighted the importance of this intervention. He noted that the prevalence of malaria in the country, which was approximately 14 percent five years ago, had decreased to 8.6 percent last year. This consistent decline underscores the effectiveness of ongoing efforts to fight the disease.

Despite these gains, Mr. Norman Nortey emphasized that malaria remains a pressing issue. Last year alone, Ghana recorded over five million cases of malaria, resulting in 151 deaths. Such statistics reveal that, while progress has been made, there is still much work to be done to fully control and eventually eliminate malaria.

On Friday, 17th May 2024, volunteers from Visionary Norman Foundation gathered to distribute Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) to UCC students. The distribution event was more than just a handout; it included educational sessions on the proper use of the nets, ensuring that students can effectively protect themselves from mosquito bites and reduce the risk of malaria.

Mr. Norman Nortey expressed his hope that these efforts would not only safeguard the health of the students but also contribute to the national goal of eradicating malaria by 2028. He reiterated the foundation’s commitment to public health and encouraged students to take an active role in the fight against malaria by using the nets consistently and correctly.