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Upclose and Personal with Joan, the New Breed’s Partner for SRC Presidential Slot

This interview was conducted by a reporter after the running mate for The New Breed was outdoored.

Joan Twenewaa Bennet is a Bsc. Hospitality and Tourism Management student affiliated to the hall of excellence, Kwame Nkrumah hall. She loves sports such as netball and table tennis.

 Choicism: Good morning miss Joan the New Breed. How are you?

Joan: Good morning. I am fine, strong and kicking by the grace of God. How are you too?

Choicism: Am fine by the grace of God. We have heard that you are running with Henry the New Breed for the SRC presidency of UCC.Is that true?

Joan: Yes of course, we are surely, by the grace of the almighty and all powerful God running for the SRC Presidency. We are winning this election hands down by the grace of God. Next year by this time majority of the students would have endorsed the New Breed Family with the presidency of UCC SRC and I would be sworn in as the Vice president of UCC SRC.

Choicism: So who is Joan the new breed?

Joan: This question is very deep. But let me handle it this way. My name is Joan Twenewaa Bennett. A  BSc Hospitality and Tourism Management student and an Nkrumah Haller.  I am a down to earth person, easy going, principled and yet a very open minded person. I love people and I love to serve them. That is why I am reading Bsc Hospitality and Tourism Management. Equally, I am a former student of ST Louis Senior High. I have held several positions back in the secondary school and even outside the university as at now.

Choicism: Any hobbies or interest in Sports?

Joan: I love reading and seeing new places, am with the tourism students you know. My favorite sports are Netball, swimming and Table Tennis. I did play table tennis for Nkrumah Hall during the 2010/2011 academic year in the freshers games competition. In the ladies category I won the competition for my hall, in 2011/2012 inter halls competition, as captain of the table tennis team, we won the  tennis trophy.

Choicism: What makes the new breed family unique.

Joan: we are not just like those group of politicians we see around us every day. We are a new breed of politicians giving birth to the new breed of politics that our heart have yawned for a very long time. Our style is different, our methodology is different, our approach is people centered or student centered and our vision is a cutting edge one. We respect the very people we want to serve and don’t engage in buying their vote but we earn it. More importantly we are a family.

Choicism: What exactly are you going to do different from what we have seen from the various vice presidents.

Joan: I have a lot in stock for the women community in UCC. In terms of womens health, academics, sports and strategically poistioning ourselves for the outside world. We will make sure that women in this institution are motivated to join the new breed of politics by increasing the number of our women folks in the SRC through the increase of our number of women in the SRC committees, as we will all agree, behind every succesful man, there is a woman hence we shall apply this knowledge in our new breed of politics.

Choicism: So what makes you think the new breed will win this election?

Joan: we are genuinly addressing the needs of students and going to continue to address them. We are meeting the needs of students boot for boot with our policies and vision. The new breed politics was started by the students themselves, owned and sponsored by themselves because they have longed for it. The New Breed is for the students. Nothing more nothing less.

Choicism: Very Impressive, Miss Bennett, what are your last words for us.

Joan: UCC keep watching out for the new breed we are counting on your unfailing support

Choicism: thank you very much for your time.

Joan: thank you too.