(CHSM): How are you and how do you feel about this glorious achievement?
Ebenezer Amoh (E.A): I am doing well and what I can say is that this achievement shows how my God has been gracious to me. I mean it’s been by His grace. God has been good.
CHSM: Was this achievement premeditated, did you set out to go for the overall best student from day one?
E.A: Not really. But then after level 100, I calculated the best I could get from level 200 to 400 and wanted to achieve that but along the line, the overall best student also came in and I knew I would like to achieve that. My CGPA after level 100 was 3.83 and I was determined to do more.
CHSM: What was your reaction when the university contacted you?
E.A: Yeah I went to the Academic Affairs to make the enquiry and I got the confirmation from the Director. I personally went there to make the enquiry because I was expecting to receive a call or message from them but I had not. So some friends advised that I go and inquire. It was there I got the confirmation. A letter had already been sent to my college. (Laughing) ah I was very joyous.
CHSM: What one thing would you say is your secret to this achievement?
E.A: Well, let me say it’s the grace of God. We learn, we do our best and all we could, but the final say is with God. So I say the grace of God is my secret.
CHSM: So how did you go about studies?
E.A: I normally studied with others. I joined group studies to share what I have learnt with others and also get to hear what they have also done. I did not do “chew and pour”. I always tried to understand concepts. When it was getting closer to exams too, I always wanted to be around Science so that I could get help to answer any question and also listen to what others have to share. And I went to the library often too. I was active in class by way of asking and answering questions. When I found things extremely difficult, I went to the teaching assistants for clarification.
CHSM: We hear you were a church leader, what other positions did you hold?
E.A: Yes I was an Evangelism Secretary at PENSA in Level 200. The following year, I was the Amamoma Coordinator. In that same year, I was the Financial Controller for my association that is the Society of Actuarial Science Students. I also served on other committees at church.
CHSM: How did you combine these with studies?
E.A: I would say it’s all about time management and discipline. Let me say I did not have a straight scheduled time I followed but I took the opportunity to study at any time because I knew I had other duties to see to. I tried to manage and avoid wastage of time. And about discipline, I did not engage in things that were not going to be beneficial to me.
CHSM: What did you do at your leisure time?
E.A: I would meet some friends and have a conversation. Once in a while too, I would watch football or movies, hardly though.
CHSM: Do you have any unforgettable day on campus?
E.A: Yes. In level 200 when I received the appointment letter as the Evangelism Secretary from my church, I was very surprised at what could have possibly made me earn that. I was not expecting it. I read it over and over again and then I accepted the position, knowing it was a calling from God. Apart from that errm maybe some unexpected results too. In level 100 for instance, I scored 4/20 in a quiz (laughing).
CHSM: Some students have the perception that the CGPA does not increase when you get to your final year, what do you think?
E.A: I think it depends on where the CGPA is. For me after level 300 I was at 3.927 but the whole of level 400, I had just 0.007 plus although I had A’s throughout with just a B+. So I think when you get to that point, even when you get 4.0 it doesn’t move much. But it all depends on what you have. You can’t have 3.0 and expect a 0.6 increase in your final year because it is cumulative.
CHSM: What do you think about the “Constant Confusion” perception?
E.A: Oh I think it is not as bad as they say it. But there may be some confusion here and there with regard to lecture time and quizzes but I think people exaggerate (laughing).
CHSM: What would you say distracts students from making it like you have?
E.A: Maybe the social activities. It is good to be sociable but we make it overtake our main purpose here on campus.
CHSM: Tell us about your ambitions.
E.A: Okay I am praying that I would be able to do my Masters after national service. After Masters, I would decide whether to go into the industry or further for PhD, in Statistics or Actuarial Science. I am not really certain about my career. But I want to be an entrepreneur, maybe in the Insurance industry and maybe do lecturing, part-time.
CHSM: What are your motivations?
E.A: Let me say that inwardly I am motivated to do my best at all times. God has given us talents and we have to make good use of them. I always want to do my best because I do not rely on past glory, so that is the intrinsic motivation. And there is an external motivation from my family. I have to make them proud. They have to get value for their money.
CHSM: What’s your advice to UCC students?
E.A: Okay I would say they have gotten an opportunity that not all men got so they should utilize that to help the vulnerable in our society. We are here not only because of ourselves but society is waiting for us to give back to make life better. They should try and do their best in studies but first let us know our purpose in life. It is not a matter of getting what others have but you have to figure out what God wants you to do and go for it. With Him all things are possible so have faith!
CHSM: We wish you the best in your endeavours and thank you for your time.
E.A: Thank you too.
Source: Nana Afia Tenkoramaa |