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CHLS Organises Cocktail Party For 1st Class Graduands

The College of Humanities and Legal Studies (CHLS) of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) has held a cocktail party to recognise the 2017 first class graduands from the College.

The party which is the maiden of its kind in the college, saw the ProvostĀ  Prof. Dora F. Edu-Buandoh, congratulating and expressing her excitement to the students for their outstanding performances which have made it possible for them to graduate with first class honours.

“We are very happy that we have trained very intelligent people like you. We are very happy that you work so hard to excel and to obtain first class in your various programmes.”

She explained the reason for the event saying, “we felt that it is in order if we invite you this evening to show our recognition for your excellent performance and also our appreciation for not making our efforts come in vain. The purpose is to let you know that we recognize your efforts”

The Provost also added that the event is to let the College keep in touch with the graduands as they move ahead in life.

“This is just the first step. You have got a first class in your degree and you are moving on to the next step in life. We want to grow with you as you move on in your life’s journey. We want to know what you are doing with yourself, we want to know what you are doing with your first degree, we want to know how we can help you excel further in your life’s journey,” she said.

Prof. Edu-Buandoh used the opportunity to advise the graduands to pride themselves as great ambassadors of the College and the University wherever they find themselves as they have received the necessary training they require.

“When you go back to your various homes, we want you to wear the College and the University of Cape Coast because we have given you the best of education you can obtain in Ghana and actually in other parts of the world.”

She also encouraged them to showcase their entrepreneurial skills as they move on in life and not to wait on the government to provide jobs for them.

“Remember the entrepreneurial spirit that we have put in you and don’t forget that you can have your first degree, you can have a first class and you can put the certificate on the wall and just watch it and be happy or you can have your first degree, your first class and move on, actually run with your certificate to do a lot of good things for yourself,” Prof. Edu-Buandoh said.

The Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Prof. J. B. Afful, who was present at the event, cautioned the graduands to be mindful of the danger of being successful.

“The danger is not only that you become self complacent, the danger is that you become proud and think that you’ve made it. I want you to be mindful of that so that you don’t at anytime stay at one level and think that that is all that there is with your first degree,” he advised.

Also present at the party were the Dean of the School of Business, Prof. Edward Marfo-Yiadom; Dean of the Faculty of Law, Mr. Kwame Owusu Agyemang and the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Prof. Eric Amuquandoh and some heads of departments from the College..

Source: Godfred Mawugbe |