UCC! You are a prison of no socialisation
They all allow more time for all sorts of celebrations
At least allow two weeks entertainment for FASA!
Not you, you make me either doing an examination
Assignments, quizzes, tutorials or group presentations
One thing you make me hate education
The study of the skills in communications
As for that your lecturer, mmm, Mr. Boateng Mensah!
Teaching how to position preposition
Dangling modifies and when to use quotations
Your grading system brings termination
No second chance for another corrections
You refused pleas from the ATL Ocean on behalf of Bezzle Spencer!
I fail I decide on reapplication
And you shut addition connections
University of Choice, you are still my decision
See, their first class is even our second upper; best classifications
I call you the Officer!
You ease my troubles and increase my affection
UCC! You are the best center for eductions
BY: Boateng Kwabena Mensah
(Bezzle Spencer)
Level 100-B.A(Arts)