From The Marine City to Biggest kingdom across the beautiful Royal palace at Oldsite. From the Osagyefo Square to the Aluta Square all eyes are gazed on the Red Empire.. I now move steadily to Supa , Nova and the Kings and Queens of the North.
The euphoria of this year’s UCC SRC elections has gathered a gargantuan moment at every corner of the four walls of the university of Cape Coast.
I see it very intriguing how students have raised their game in various halls of affiliation because of the bragging rights one seeks to gain if the SRC President or any other portfolio emerges from his/her Hall… I could remember the atmosphere in SRC hall around 12:00 midnight as the sang the name of Christopher Dadson (Topher). Kwame Nkrumah Hall was the place to be last year also. The big question now is, “Who wins this years SRC elections?”…. Will the Barrister serve us a new deal as he makes a come back to students activism or we should depend on the advocate. Anyway, I am as calm as a storm😎
The Brief….(on SRC PRESIDENCY)
This year’s Presidential Elections is keenly contested amongst four major candidates; Team Barrister, The New Deal, Dependable and The Advocate.
All these teams succesfully passed vetting even though my reservations on the vetting results stands that at least two of them shouldn’t have passed through successfully but the vetting panel thought otherwise so we move… (Because their performance was below standard.)
We see Team Barrister, a student of Law and a Former SRC PRO under the Sir John led administration, a member of the University debate society and a very vocal personality and an affiliate of Oguaa Hall picking his running mate from SRC hall. This running mate happens to be the current SRC hall vice President.

The New Deal, Mabel Darko Boateng made history by ascending to the Adehye presidential throne as a level 200 student. Her running mate is the current Supernuation Hall president, Mr Emmanuel Addo , a fine gentleman who believes in the vision of the New deal.

Team Dependable is made of Emmanuel Obour and Argatha Aduse-Poku . Obour is the immediate past President of of HIMSA and the current vice president of Cassely Hayford Hall. His running mate, popularly known as Afia is an affiliate of Kwame Nkrumah Hall.

Japhet Abudu Laar and Elizabeth Naki Yeboah makes up DE- ADVOCATES.
Mr Abudu laar is an optometry student and an affiliate of Suppernuation Hall. His Vice is an also an affiliate KNH and a student of school of Business.

This year’s SRC Presidential race will be won by well calculated efforts if we take into consideration the normal routine of UCC SRC elections.
Lets start from Atlantic Hall, the vote turn out will surely increase as they anticipate their famous @60 Hall festival celebrations. The unity in the hall is seemingly higher this year and Mariners interest in this year’s SRC elections has heightened than any previous year in my last 6 years of students politics. The likes of Zigfred, Citizen Silas, and Emmy are all in the race therefore they expect much stronger and better marine force to propel them to the higher offices they vy for respectively.
In Royal palace of Adehye hall, is it going to be the normal 850 or less votes cast as it has always been?? Or we are likely to be taken by surprise as their famous president contests the seat of SRC in seeking to break the 60.. ?? Time is surely pregnant🥸..
At the Monkey Kingdom, bananas are shared on a daily basis as they sing the song of Team Barrister. They have urged everyone to be calm because kodu is for all😂.. Aunty Lizzy, the current Oguaa hall Vice President, who was contesting to be the next local Nugs women’s commissioner was disqualified by the vetting panel. Oguaa Hall is left with only Team Barrister, hence they have thrown all their weight into the arena. Its a do or die affair they say. Oguaa hall which is noted for one of the highest population will be a force to reckon with in the determination of who wins what.
At new site, Kwame Nkrumah Haller’s are nursing their wounds as their current secretary, Francy was disqualified by the vetting panel in her quest to be the next SRC General Secretary. The Hall presidency which is unopposed has almost made a completely new twist to the game. Undoubtedly there will be a very low turnout as compared to last year and the year before even though Dependable picked his running mate from there. An interesting development has to do with the fact that both The Advocate and Dependable picked their running mates from Knh.
Furthermore, we move unto the industrial City. Valco hall has also been one of the players to determine who wins what. I can remember how the likes of Manuel worked the magic for TEAM TOPHER two years ago. This year, asɛm aba, their Hall president who was in pole position to win the SRC elections had a premature ejaculation at the SRC vetting as he met his disqualification. Affiliates are hurt and this has downgraded the momentum that arose in the beginning of the semester. They will record a low turnout because internal politics also seems to be on a low as well.
Casford, can they really be dependable this time around?? … Because there are instances that some casfordians who claim to have the strongest solidarity break in the name of students politics. Do they have the numbers to make a king? Remember this year they are on their own because there won’t be any CASAD, awww that’s sad😭. With the Likes of seasoned students politicians like Gordon and Brainer, let’s be calm and see how it unfolds.
All roads leads to North campus. Suppernuation, ayɛ ready ah??… Emmanuel Addo, the current Hall President is the vice for The New deal. Will this bring about an increase in the votes turnout from the normal hundreds to a thousand. Did you just say ha😀… The hall is huge but votes are hard to come by.
Inside the Innovative Hall. SRC hall just like Oguaa is fiercely placed on the great trajectory of making history. Winning is about number and trust. The sons and daughters of Afia Kobi have what it takes to enstool a king. Team Barrister , maneuvered his way into SRC hall and picked their current vice president and the president for the Hall’s women’s wing as his running mate. Grace Wadieh, a local Nugs women’s commissioner aspirant is an affiliate. A hall which has it internal politics kneely contested. Trust me, you don’t need to be told about the votes turnout.
With the unity and solidarity behind their vice president, surely the whips of the Hall will do justice by making sure all affiliates fall in line. Just to mention a few, Ofobi , Culture and Nyame yɛ Boozin. Surely their vice president is a happy person.
I shall take a sip of kaspreko alomo as I give a little to the gods of the land, “adwuma no yɛ dzin oh” aspirants abrɛ😀
We end our analysis at the medical hostel. They vote on whom they have seen. I won’t mention to you whom they’ve met but they have a total of about 450 votes, go grab it!!
I will leave my conclusion to my awesome reader. I know by now, your vote won’t go waste.
Next: THE SCARE OF THE MIS system…
Watch Out
Writer: Ogyanframa
Ɛyɛ Ogya🔥🔥